

Here’s a quick list of Frequently Asked Questions about HyperDisk. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, have a look at the Help, or contact us any time.


Q: Does HyperDisk run in the background?
No, and this is important to us. We don’t believe in installing unnecessary things or auto-launching our apps. HyperDisk doesn’t install anything outside of the app itself. We don't add any menu bar items or startup items on your computer. When you quit the HyperDisk app, nothing is left running.

Q: How do I know HyperDisk won’t delete important files?
With HyperDisk, the main focus is on finding files to delete and allowing you to remove them manually, rather than automatically sweeping your system. Although HyperDisk’s Auto Clean function does delete files automatically, it provides multiple opportunities to review the proposed changes and abort.

Q: What platforms are supported?
Currently HyperDisk only runs on Mac. An iPhone version may be coming down the road, but it will be more limited in scope due to fact that the iPhone doesn’t have an open free-form filesystem like the Mac.

Q: Which versions of macOS are supported?
macOS 11.5 and higher. Intel and ARM (M-series) native.


Q: How does HyperDisk handle my data?
HyperDisk does 100% of its processing locally on your computer. No information from your computer is sent over the Internet to be processed in the cloud.

Q: Can I trust HyperDisk?
You shouldn’t trust any cleaner apps explicitly, but here’s what we can tell you about HyperDisk:

  1. HyperDisk is walled off from the Internet by the macOS Sandbox, so it’s prevented at the OS level from talking to any servers. (This is verifiable.)
  2. HyperDisk is only available through the Mac App Store, meaning that it passed Apple’s rigorous app review process.
  3. HyperDisk doesn’t ask for your information.

Main UI

What am I looking at?
After you launch HyperDisk you’ll select a folder (or disk) to scan, and select a type of scan to perform. When you click “Start Scan,” HyperDisk begins to scan the full structure of your hard drive. When finished, you’ll see the results.

What are all the “Allow access” alerts?
HyperDisk needs to access all the files on your filesystem, and some of these may contain sensitive data. macOS is a highly secure operating system with an unmatched emphasis on privacy, so the operating system ensures that you agree to HyperDisk’s scanning before the app is allowed to proceed.

Disk View

What am I looking at?
HyperDisk’s disk view shows you the contents of your disk or the folder you chose to scan. Files and folders are shown as rectangles, with bigger rectangles representing larger files.

When you tilt the view into 3D, you’re seeing the hierarchical structure of your disk, with files at the top and their enclosing folders beneath them.

You can hover your mouse over any rectangle to show its information in the right panel. Tap spacebar when hovering to bring up a QuickLook preview of the file.

Q: How do I put the disk viewer into 3D mode?
You can either click and drag the grey background behind the disk diagram, or drag the circular “crosshairs” button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

Q: How can I get the viewer back to 2D mode?
If you drag the viewer so it's relatively flat (i.e. you’re viewing it from overhead,) it will snap back to flat view (in the style of the venerable Grand Perspective). You can also click the “concentric rectangles” button in the toolbar at the top of the window to snap to 2D.


Q: What is HyperDisk written in?
Swift 5, with a sprinkle of C and a dollop of Metal on top. All 24,299 lines of code were written in 2023 or later—there’s nothing legacy in here.

Q: What libraries does HyperDisk use?
We only use built-in Mac system libraries such as Metal and SceneKit. This means we don't need to include any third-party code in our app, which is good for security and efficiency.

Q: How is HyperDisk so fast?
HyperDisk is highly parallel for most operations include disk scan, file hashing, image comparison, and rules application. The app will make use of all the cores in a modern Mac. HyperDisk’s image comparison function uses advanced algorithms and GPU-level optimization to compare trillions of pixels with exceptional speed.


Q: Who makes HyperDisk?
Rayner Software of California, USA. We’ve been making high quality Mac apps since 2005, and iOS apps since 2010!

Q: How can I get in touch?
The best way is through the contact page. You can also reach us on X or Mastodon.